With a PMP Certification our main objective is landing up with the best job. In the whole process of recruitment our resumes play an important role. Our resumes are the first impressions we provide to our potential employers. So we must give due care to preparing and presenting our resumes. Studies show that recruiters have less than 5 minutes to review a resume. So even as a PMP Certified professional you must have the best resume to impress the recruiter enough. With your resume must be able to qualify for the next step – the interview. Yet so many qualified professionals in spite of their competence fail at the very first step. This is on account of certain common mistakes in their resumes. We at Sixth Dimension Learning try to make you aware of such resume mistakes.
Various Types of Resume Mistakes:
Resume mistakes can be of various types like:
False information and typo mistakes:
As a professional you need to ensure that no information provided in your resume should be false in any way. Any information which is not true would severely hinder the prospects of your selection. It would also hamper your reputation. So you must be confident in your claims. But at the same time it should not be over exaggerated. Another common mistake to be avoided is typo or grammatical mistake. This may often irritate the potential employer .It may have an adverse impact on your selection process.
Vague information and neglecting exact dates:
Another common mistake made by candidates any information which may be vague. Any vague information tends to confuse the recruiter and irritates them. So when you are mentioning about your role in the present company, your achievements, etc be specific. With a better understanding of your capabilities your chances of getting recruited increases. You also need to be specific about the dates mentioned on your resume.
Mistake of not sufficiently highlighting your achievements:
While mentioning about your present role in your company you need to focus on your achievements .Do not merely explain your present role. The resume itself should sufficiently be able to express your value to the potential recruiter.
Not mentioning your skills:
Many candidates also tend to make another big mistake of not mentioning the right set of skills. In case of a project Management professional you need to ensure that your project management skills are sufficiently highlighted. This will always keep the potential recruiters interested in you. However you also take note of the fact that you do not exaggerate your skills in any way. So as a project management professional ensure that you should be able to plan properly well in advance. You need to assess risks and manage them effectively. You also need to effectively limited resource to ensure maximum return in them.
A well written and presented resume can always help you to move into the interview round. But as
a project management professional you need the knowledge and competence in project Management. This is why the PMP certification is so important. With the best training from Sixth Dimension Learning you always are best placed to get the PMP Certification. For further details please visit our website.
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